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What we do

This is Datavärde

We improve Resource Efficiency in all we do. We engage in projects in the Energy Sector to increase the use of Renewable Energy but also to lower the total consumption. We support Circular Economy by developing Solutions for Recycling and Increase the Uptime of Fleets by our Internet of Things systems for Predictive Maintenance. All in favor of Resource Efficiency.

We work with

Business Models

Development & Delivery

Datavärde is a Knowledge Company with extensive Experience in Data Science, Internet of Things, Energy Storage and Electrification. Typically our offering consists of a Development Part followed by an Operation and Support Service Part. We use Business Models that are optimized for each specific case

Advisory & Analysis

It is always critical to design and invest with care to get the best out of a new technology or solution.
We assist as you in the analysis as advisors by offering our Structured Value Projects where we apply modern and proven methods to define the best Solution. We use our Data Science skills to Analyse Data and Prove the Value already before it is Developed.