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What we do

Industrial IT

More and more of the Production is moved back from the Far East to Europe for Logistic, Cost and Quality reasons. This drives the Automation needs even further and in that Data Driven Industrial IT is an important piece.

Data Collection

For an efficient Data Driven production, the collection and handling of data in a modern and efficient database setup is crucial.”

Data Analysis

When the Data is Collected and Stored it needs to be Analysed from a number of Perspectives. We use appropriate methods and build models that gives insights to be used for both online optimization and off line improvements.

Data Presentation

All conclusions and results of data analyses need to be presented to operational personnel in a clear and concise way.

Predictable Maintenance

Not only the production process has a need for monitoring and optimization: the equipment itself can be supervised so that all deviations from normal operations can be detected in order to safeguard uptime.”